June 21, 2018 / Insights Turn it up! Data shows more volume needed in venues
When it comes to enjoying live sport, fans want it loud and they want it large.
That was the stand out finding of the latest Sportsyear fan survey, which was distributed to over 5,000 mad sports fans across Australia last month.
The vast majority of those surveyed say atmosphere and screen size are the most important factors when deciding whether to visit a venue to watch live sport.
They cite being able to hear the commentary of the match as the biggest contributor to the atmosphere of a venue, and their main pet peeve is when the sound is inaudible or overpowered by music.
As one fan noted, “There is nothing worse than going to the pub for Friday night footy and having to endure the latest Taylor Swift remix.”
“These results were no real surprise for us,” says Sportsyear Co-Founder Patrick Galloway.
"There's clearly an opportunity there for venues who are looking to attract sports fans. Plan it right and communicate that live offer well and customers will become regulars."
The Sportsyear fan survey, which samples all of those who have ordered a Sportsyear Diary over the past decade, highlighted a number of other factors for venues to consider when it comes to live sport.
Fans crave comfortable spaces to sit and the ability to watch their favourite teams uninterrupted. The large proportion of those surveyed said they enjoy a few drinks when visiting a venue to watch live sport.
Many respondents identified issues with a lack of staff knowledge about what events are on, and which games should be prioritised.
Over half of the fans who completed the survey say they actively monitor a venue’s website and social media channels to see what sport is being shown before committing to attending.
They want venues to have a daily plan of what they will show and have an understanding of what the big ticket games are.
“Sportsyear is really the ultimate tool for venues serious about live sport to plan their daily schedule and promote that to patrons,” says Galloway.
“Our new website integration allows venues to communicate with customers whether a game will be shown with sound.”
Some fans also suggested catering for supporters around major events, by working well in advance and creating tailor made spaces that create a unique experience.
“Usually areas to sit while viewing are not directly focused on the screen. People mill about, distracting from the game. Purpose laid-out seating would be good especially for bigger games,” said one respondent.
49% of supporters said they choose to attend their local to watch sport and many added they rarely travel far to watch live sport in a venue.
“The local with plenty of atmosphere and a well communicated live sport offer is still really appealing to sports fans,” says Galloway.
“Venues that personalise their live sport offer and create a great atmosphere for their sports fan demographic are really going to nail this aspect of their business.”
The advent of social media means live sports venues need their own personality to connect with a local audience and the live sport offer can now be part of this strategy.
"Sportsyear allows users to create an automated sports calendar that highlights the big local games that their customers care about," said Galloway.